OGT Plus - How to download and view eBooks on my computer?

Log in to your OGT Plus account.


  1. Go to https://www.onegoodthingbyjillee.com/
  2. If you are not logged in, log into your account. (You'll know you're logged in when you see the OGT Plus logo at the top left side of the page, as opposed to the One Good Thing icon.)

Navigate to your eBook library

Find ACCOUNT at the top right-hand side of the browser page. Hover or click on ACCOUNT, then click EBOOK LIBRARY. 

Read, download or print eBooks on Chrome

Watch this video to learn how to download eBooks using the Chrome browser (note: the video has no sound):

Step-by-step guide:

  1. Click DOWNLOAD on the eBook you’d like to read and the eBook will open up in a new window.
  2. At this point, you can download and/or print your eBook. If you move the mouse, 3 icons will appear (and disappear) on the top right. If they disappear, just move the mouse and they will reappear.
  3. To download the eBook so that it’s saved on your computer, click the download icon. The eBook will save to your downloads folder on your computer.
  4. To print the eBook, click on the printer icon.

Read, download or print eBooks on Safari 

Watch this video to learn how to download eBooks using the Safari browser (note: the video has no sound):

Step-by-step guide:

  1. Click DOWNLOAD on the eBook you’d like to read and the eBook will open up in a new window.

  2. At this point, you can download and/or print your eBook. If you move the mouse, icons will appear (and disappear) in the bottom middle of the page. If they disappear, just move the mouse and they will reappear.

  3. To download the eBook so that it’s saved on your computer, find the download icon on the bottom right-hand side of the icons. The eBook will save to your downloads folder on your computer.
  4. To print the eBook, go to “File” in the top menu and click “Print” in the dropdown. 

Locate the saved eBooks on your computer

Depending on which browser you are using, will determine where to find your downloaded eBook.

Google Chrome on Mac

  1. Click on the 3 vertical dots on the top-right of your browser
  2. Click on “Downloads” (A page will open where you can find all your recent downloads, including your recently downloaded eBook) 
  3. At this point you can open your ebooks in their download folder or just keep it in your “downloads” folder. You can also click to open the file again in your browser.

Safari on Mac

To open your downloaded eBook, you can do 1 of 2 things:

  1. Just click on your downloads on the bottom of your computer and click on the eBook title.

  2. The other way to find your downloaded eBook is to close Safari and on the desktop, click on “Go” on the top. Then click on Downloads. Your eBook will be in the list. Just click it.

If you are using a P.C.:

  1. If you saved the eBook to your desktop you will find it there.
  2. If it was saved to your Downloads file:

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